Seeing as there was no Friday Fiver last week, I was happy to see that there was on posted as scheduled today. The nerve of some people going on vacation – LOL! Here is what was posted on this week's Friday Fiver and my responses:
1. Name your favorite ... candy.
This is an easy one for sure, and anyone who knows me would be able to tell you this – dark chocolate … and the darker the better!
2. Name your favorite ... cookie.
That’s really a toss up for me. There are two flavors of Girl Scout cookies I have loved ever since I was in elementary school and sold them myself when I was a brownie. Yes, I was a brownie – don’t laugh! My two favorites are Thin Mints and Samoas (which I now think they have changed the name of them to be Caramel Delights so it is more “politically correct”).
3. Name your favorite ... donut.
Surprisingly enough, I’m not all that big a fan of donuts. I would much prefer a muffin or coffee roll, but if I had to choose a donut, I would choose one of the powdered jelly filled ones.
4. Name your favorite ... cold drink.
My favorite cold drink would have to be iced coffee. Now, I know that may seem weird to a lot of people – LOL. I remember when I first moved down to Florida about 8 years ago, very few places served or even knew what iced coffee was, and I received many strange looks when requesting it at restaurants. It’s quite popular in New England where I grew up, and now at least the chain coffee shops like Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks serve it.
5. Name your favorite ... hot beverage.
My favorite hot drink would have to be hot coffee. Can you sense a trend? I am a coffee addict basically – LOL! I guess if that’s the worst habit I have I’m doing okay. That trait definitely comes from my mother who we used to joke would drink coffee by the pot instead of by the cup.
So, there you have it ... my fourth "Friday Fiver" for you! Now, I have to upload my crop kit for my “Pampered Pets” crop tomorrow at 3Scrapateers that is part of the big Grand Re-Opening Celebration! I hadn’t been feeling up to designing until the middle of the week, so I just finished my preview for the crop kit today. I’ll post more on my crop tomorrow morning!So for now . . . Happy Scrapping!
~ Jen ~